The 1000 Vietnamese Genomes Project (VN1K)
Vietnam is the 15th most populous country in the world. However, genetic studies for Vietnamese people are mainly based on genetic information from existing genomic databases with little information on Vietnamese people. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to build a genetic database for Vietnamese people, contributing to accurately explaining the genetic variations specific to the Vietnamese population.
In this project, we focus on building the largest gene database for Vietnamese people today. The genomes of a total of 1000 Vietnamese people will be fully decoded using Illumina’s advanced sequencing technology with 30x resolution. This sequence data will then be analyzed to identify genetic variants including single point variants (SNVs), short insertion variants (Indels) and large variations (structural). This data will be the foundation for genome-wide correlation studies, for genetic diseases and gene therapy drugs, creating a premise for research and application in precision medicine in Vietnam.
Strategic Partners
Collaboration in research on genetic traits of the Vietnamese based on data of the 1,000 Vietnamese genomes project
Collaboration in research on genetic traits of the Vietnamese based on data of the 1,000 Vietnamese genomes project
Data Platforms

VGR Genome Browser - Coming Soon